Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Social Network Usage Rises in Feb 2010


According to Nielson Company Survey,

  • Usage of Social Network increased in Feb 2010 over Feb 2009
  • Italians and Australians spend more time on Social Networks

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

4 Things you Should Know about your Prospect

Source: eGrabber Newsletters

How do you pack your sales pitch or presentation with stuff that is important to your prospective customer? This is important because the foremost thought running through your prospect's mind when you are talking is "What's in it for me?"

Here are 4 things you should know and address in your presentation:
1. What is the prospect responsible for at her organization?
2. How is her performance measured?
3. What is her status quo - existing issues, limitations, etc.?
4. What are her goals or business objectives for the quarter, year, etc.?

Remember, you can get any prospect to be interested in your product if you can show that it helps eliminate problems, solve issues and achieve her objectives.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Get Prospects to Buy your Side of the Story

Source: eGrabber Newsletters

There are factors that can influence (persuade sub-consciously) the prospect to accept your side of the story over your competitor's.

1. For prospects with a sense of urgency or high motivation to buy - Present your product first and how it can resolve current issues. Once this part is fully delivered and understood, take very little time to talk about what your competitor has to offer.

2. For prospects who have no urgency or are not directly affected by the purchase decision - Talk about competition first, but very little. The second and larger part of your presentation should focus on your product benefits and how it can resolve their problems.

There are psychological studies to prove that the above tactics work. Understanding these can help you influence prospects to buy into your side of the argument and close the deal.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

How to parse data from your Email using eMail-Lead Grabber

When your prospect fills a form on your website such as contact form, feedback form, submit an order or request a quote, the form is e-mailed to you. Then you need to copy, paste the email message details into your database.

However copy/paste, typing this email information can be time consuming and labor intensive.

Now let's see how can you automate your web form processing and quickly convert your emails into database with eMail-Lead Grabber.

With e-Mail Lead Grabber you can automatically extracts the data from incoming email messages and transfers the contact details into your database.Also You can send personalized auto response email to your prospects as soon as they fill in your form.

eMail-Lead Grabber also works with different formats of incoming leads such as text, HTML and XML formats.

To know more about other features and benefits, Visit

For a free trial, Visit