Showing posts with label web form response grabber. Show all posts
Showing posts with label web form response grabber. Show all posts

Sunday, March 14, 2010

How to parse data from your Email using eMail-Lead Grabber

When your prospect fills a form on your website such as contact form, feedback form, submit an order or request a quote, the form is e-mailed to you. Then you need to copy, paste the email message details into your database.

However copy/paste, typing this email information can be time consuming and labor intensive.

Now let's see how can you automate your web form processing and quickly convert your emails into database with eMail-Lead Grabber.

With e-Mail Lead Grabber you can automatically extracts the data from incoming email messages and transfers the contact details into your database.Also You can send personalized auto response email to your prospects as soon as they fill in your form.

eMail-Lead Grabber also works with different formats of incoming leads such as text, HTML and XML formats.

To know more about other features and benefits, Visit

For a free trial, Visit

Thursday, February 18, 2010

Convert Your Web Form Responses Into Lead Database

eMail-Lead Grabber is a web form response processing software that enables you to extract web form responses from Microsoft Outlook, Outlook Express and automatically transfer the response details into your database.eMail-Lead Grabber helps you quickly reach your prospects.

eMail-Lead Grabber quickly converts your emails to a lead database in ACT!, Excel Spreadsheet, GoldMine, Outlook, ACCESS and more.

To know more about other features and benefits, Click eMail-Lead Grabber

To try eMail-Lead Grabber for free, Click download eMail-Lead Grabber

Friday, October 16, 2009

How to enter leads and web-site form responses into Outlook using AddressGrabber

When customers fill out and submits web-site forms , an email is sent to the company with all the responses. To enter details from email into your application, the user will have to select email details to enter and click on an AddressGrabber Icon. AddressGrabber intelligently figures out all details and places them in appropriate fields in your application.

AddressGrabber can be mapped to enter custom fields such as number of employees and other custom fields into specific fields into your contact manager. You only need to train it once!

You can use this to enter Web form submissions, email invoices, PayPal statement, purchase orders and any other type of email into Outlook with just one click! AddressGrabber eliminates hassle of manually retyping or cut-n-paste. It is fast, accurate and saves time.

To know more, Click AddressGrabber Business Edition

To download the free trial version click web form response grabber

Monday, August 10, 2009

Collecting leads from your web forms

The purpose of the web forms is to capture the contact information of your visitors so that you can market your product/service to them.

You can have variety of web forms on your website for collecting the contact information of your prospects. However the major problem is how this lead information can be captured into your database(ACT!, GoldMine, MS Excel, etc).

If your website has multiple forms and if you want to collect large number of leads then you need an automated solution e-Mail Lead Grabber.

eMail-Lead Grabber checks for the emails that you receive automatically when a visitor submits the webform on your site. The tool captures the contact information from this lead emails, puts the lead contact information into your database such as ACT!/GoldMine/Excel and automatically sends an autoresponse email as well.

eMail-Lead Grabber can process third party leads as well. Any lead from your email can now be transferred to your database in seconds with eMail-Lead Grabber.

For a free trial, Click Web Form Processor

To know more, Click capture web forms

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Web Forms to ACT

Use eMail-Lead Grabber to save your critical Web Form data to your database. eMail-Lead Grabber captures the form data and saves the data to your ACT! database.

eMail-Lead Grabber automatically processes leads submitted through multiple web forms and leads purchased from 3rd party websites, extracts specified information and transfers it instantly to your contact manager. It even schedules follow-up. eMail-Lead Grabber can save you hours spent on manual processing and data entry of email leads. FREE Trial

Process email leads and web forms faster. Spend more time closing sales than on email processing. eMail-Lead Grabber is a 'must have' tool for effective and efficient lead management.

To know more, Click here

To download the software, Click here

Friday, February 13, 2009

eMail-Lead Grabber Excel - Tool to automate processing outlook mail form responses

Do you want to automate processing mail form responses from Outlook to Excel then start using eMail-Lead Grabber Excel

eMail-Lead Grabber Excel processes the mail form responses and the transfers the form information from Outlook or POP3 account to Excel.

eMail-Lead Grabber automatically processes mail form responses that you receive from third party website registration forms(purchased leads) and from the web forms on your website. eMail-Lead Grabber eliminates the pain of having to type manually or copy-paste information from email to Excel.

To try the fully functional trial version, Click here

To buy the product, Click here

Use the coupon code "ELEX20BLG" to get 20% discount on eMail-Lead Grabber Excel

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Automate Web Lead Processing to improve "Web Lead Response Time" and Omniture conducted a survey to keep track of lead response and nurturing strategies of 700 different companies. The survey found:

Average email response time: 19 hours, 31 minutes

Optimum response time should be within the first hour

Average phone response time: 36 hours, 57 minutes

Optimum phone response time should be within the first five minutes

How many companies even responded?

Only 47.3 percent responded via email, and just 7.5 percent responded via phone!

According to Web-generated leads decrease effectiveness by over 6x in the first hour. Responding immediately to a web lead is of paramount importance for any marketing or sales professional because you never know which lead would be your prospective customer. As customers always expect a quicker response, prompt follow-up of leads is very vital for any business.

Typically, marketing and sales professionals receive multiple leads on a daily basis. They spend most of the time manually creating lead database, distributing leads and responding to each lead.

Manually keying in the lead information and distributing the leads to the sales person is a cozy mistake because the manual routing of leads results in delayed response to form submissions. And the leads lose its effectiveness in the first few minutes. This manual process should be automated so that the leads are distributed automatically to the appropriate sales person based on the customer profile. This is where eMail-Lead Grabber, a powerful web lead processing software, comes in as a handy tool.

eMail-Lead Grabber is a web lead processing automation solution. eMail-Lead Grabber automatically downloads the email leads from multiple email sources(Pop3,Outlook, Goldmine), captures the form details and transfers them to your lead database. eMail-Lead Grabber can process orders, web inquiries, web response forms or any sorts of forms. eMail-Lead Grabber automates the distribution of web leads to the appropriate sales person. eMail-Lead Grabber also sends personalized auto response emails and automatically schedules a follow-up whenever a prospect fills up an inquiry form on your website.

Use eMail-Lead Grabber to automate the manual web lead processing. Spend more time on closing sales and be more productive like never before. A must have tool for every lead manager to efficiently and effectively attend to lead email management.

To download click here

Also try eMail-Lead Grabber Excel - eMail-Lead Grabber Excel automatically downloads the email leads from multiple email sources(Pop3,Outlook, Goldmine), captures the form details and transfers them to Microsoft Excel.

To download eMail-Lead Grabber Excel follow the link