Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Prepare to Impress Prospects in 10 Seconds

Source:eGrabber Newsletter

In sales, you usually have the first 30 seconds to get your prospect's attention. Many successful sales people will say that it’s not true - you have only 10 seconds. Given this, it is critical that you find a way to engage your prospect as quickly as possible. In the first 3 seconds, you would say your name and where you are calling from. What is important is the next 7-8 seconds; it should focus on why the prospect has to listen to your call. You can use this to

-     ask a pertinent question
-     place an elevator pitch
-     provide a startling/ interesting statistic relevant to the prospect's industry/ business

or basically say anything that would engage your prospect’s interest.

Remember, this tip can only improve your success rate in the opening round. Ultimately, your selling success will depend on the number of qualified calls you make - the more calls you make the more you close.

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