Thursday, November 20, 2008

Do-It-YourSelf Website CheckList

1. Show the products/services you have to sell

A recent statistic has shown that around 20 million people worldwide use the internet for shopping of various items like airline tickets, vacation homes, groceries, etc. Create pages for the product/service you sell. If you sell multiple products clearly categorize the products. Visitors should easily find your online store.

2. Create a professional website

Create a professional website to make your visitors feel your business look reliable. Dont create a graphic heavy website. Graphics take much time to load causing visitors to leave your site.

3. Easy navigation

Navigation is very important. Visitors must be able to find what they search for quickly and easily.

4. Contact Page/Form

Customers should easily know your contact information before making any decision. Include "Contact Us" button in the footer of every page. Create a "Contact Us" page that clearly lists your contact details such as business name, email address, phone, fax etc.,

5. Inquiry/Feedback form

Create a inquiry/feedback form and link it from home page. This will allow customers to write and ask what they think about your products/services.

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