Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The Good and the Bad in Brochure Printing

The good: Brochures are effective marketing tools - First, we have the greatest good that color brochures give. They are very effective marketing tools for small businesses or projects. They can give small but precise marketing messages to lots of people in a small and inexpensive package. Color brochures can easily reach many people on a local level and increase a business' exposure to the market immensely.

The bad: It requires creative thought and cunning to make it effective - Of course, it will require you to be creative and resourceful to make the brochure as effective as it is. You need to compose marketing messages that relate to your readers, while your distribution strategies must be good and aimed at the right target markets for your brochures. You have to think this all through.

The good: Brochures look good and makes your business look good - Brochures also have the advantage of letting you form a business image or reputation. By utilizing a very convincing design that projects your business or corporate philosophy, you can convey to readers that you are striving for excellence, good service and professional work. They can basically make you and your business look good for the market.

The bad: You will need an expert designer to make it look good - However, to make you look good, your brochure design should be well made. You might probably need an expert designer or layout artist so that you can have a very good-looking marketing tool that does display your philosophy. It is all about the design, so you have to get it right.

The good: Brochures can be given away anywhere to many people. Many people like how these materials can be easily given away to a mass audience. It can be mailed, distributed by hand, left at public locations and included with other products and things. There is absolutely no expertise required to give them away, making is a very simple medium to work with.

The bad: You will need to spend some money for them to last - While it is easy to distribute them, it might cost you for those color brochures to last long. Being easily distributed means that most of your brochures will be exposed to a lot of harsh environments. If you want them to survive to deliver your message, you will need to spend money on high quality materials to make them tough.

Source: ArticlesFactory.com


Katie Marcus writes about the printing brochures or brochure printing technologies used by businesses for their marketing and advertising campaigns.

Monday, September 28, 2009

Power Marketing Through Folded Postcards

Some printing services today offer printing of so-called folded postcards. This kind of postcard is a more powerful kind of postcard for business marketing because of its improved abilities as a marketing postcard. Just read on below to know about these improved abilities.

Giving better and more detailed messages – The major advantage is their extra space. With double the usual postcards space, it is possible to give better and more detailed messages to your readers. You can detail the best features of your product or services, or you can tell the whole story about your company.

You can list down all your products for sale and turn it into a small catalog. In fact, you can do anything you can think of that is good for marketing. There are lots of possibilities that you can do with all that extra space, and you can make it as extensive as you possibly can to achieve your goals.

Showing more impressive images – Having more space provided for your advertising material means that there is space for more images that are quite impressive. While the cover of the postcard is the main attraction, you can also add in some other minor images that can be equally impressive. This gives you more opportunities to connect with your readers through your images, giving you the best advantage that you can have in postcard marketing.

Better quality postcards – You can also consider them as stronger advertising tools. With the added extra layer of material folded unto itself, most folded postcards are more durable than regular ones. They can withstand physical damage better, while most of them have special water resistant coatings that should help them endure weather effects. They can reach your market with possibly no lasting damage at all, and help your message be seen much longer too.

Cheap and easy production schedules – Of course, with modern printing technologies, folded postcards can be cheaply and easily produced. Simple desktop publishing software can take care of the design, while online printing services can take care of the printing. There is absolutely no hassle of producing them.

Cheap and easy distribution techniques – Finally, distributing these advertising tools is a pretty easy task to do. Besides the obvious use of the postal service for distribution, many courier companies attached to printing services can immediately distribute your folded postcards after printing. As long as you provide the needed addresses, you can print and distribute your marketing postcards in one-step. It is indeed powerful technique in your advertising campaign.

Therefore, as you can see, with the improved abilities of a folded postcardComputer Technology Articles, your marketing can be more powerful and more effective. Try printing those folded postcards today.

Source: Articlesfactory.com

About the author

Katie Marcus writes about the folded postcards and post card printing technologies.

Friday, September 25, 2009

How Good is your Profile on Social Networking Sites?

Source: eGrabber Newsletter

All sales people know that their prospects search the Internet for information about the product, the company and competitors, before they purchase something. But, what is now new is they check out the sales person they are in contact with too. Does your LinkedIn profile have the right ingredients to create a sense of trust that would make your prospects better inclined to buy from you?

Prospects would like to know how long you have been in this industry, your experience with the company / products, your qualifications, companies you have sold to, etc. How many of your customers have recommended you on LinkedIn? Are you associated with groups and associations related to your work and industry?

These things really matter a lot. If your answer is a ‘No’ to any of these questions, then it is time you started working on them.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Are you Adept at Web Conferencing Yet?

Source: eGrabber Newsletters

Companies and sales teams face significant challenges in selling cost-effectively to businesses today. Old selling habits that rely on face-to-face contact is simply too expensive for most businesses in the current market. More importantly, surveys show that, customers prefer online interactions, over personal contact, when possible.

A web presentation in which you show your PC desktop and demo something relevant to the prospect has become more effective. It is also rather convenient to both than a face-to-face conversation in the potential customer's office.

You can also easily record these web conferences and review them later to improve your selling skills and techniques. So, get started on using web conferencing.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Build Targeted Sales Lead Lists from the Internet

The Internet is one of the cost-effective ways to build a quality list of targeted sales leads. Buying or renting a list can be expensive and you can never be sure if you are getting the exact customers you want. Also, there is the issue of outdated contact data since contact information may change over time.

The Internet has many sources of free-leads. Online directories (such as YellowPages.com and SuperPages.com), association websites, membership directories, White Pages, MLS listings, etc. are some of the sources that you can use to build a list of prospects for e-mailing / tele-calling.

ListGrabber allows you to quickly capture contact details of prospects from all the above online sources and automatically add them to your database (Excel, Outlook, etc.)

So, stop wasting money on expensive lists. Use ListGrabber and see how it directly helps you sell more.

Download the 10-day trial version of ListGrabber today.