Monday, January 18, 2010

Focus on Growing your Mailing Lists this Year

Source: eGrabber Newsletters

Email content that is stale and stagnant will not get the same enthusiasm from your subscribers as ones that are fresh and evolving. The same applies to your mailing list too. By constantly adding new subscribers to your list, you can maximize returns on your email marketing programs.

If for some reason your list had little or zero growth in 2009, then it is time to kick-start you list-growth for 2010. Here are 2 things you can start doing right away:
1. Make a list of key benefits that a person will receive by subscribing to your list - industry news, research reports, white papers, webinars, special offers, etc.
2. Place the benefits and a request to opt-in at a high-traffic area on your website. You can also present this to people you meet at trade shows and events, and follow it up with an opt-in email.

Remember to send a personalized 'Thank you' message once they sign up (the quicker the better; send one within 20 minutes atleast).

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