Thursday, January 7, 2010

2 Tips to Build 'Genuine' Rapport with Prospects

Source: eGrabber Newsletters

If you are in an industry where competitive differentiation is thin, you should pay utmost attention to the following rule: "All things being equal, the prospect will choose the seller (or salesperson) she likes most".

So here are 2 tips to help you build genuine rapport with prospects:

1. Find common ground: Search your prospect's MySpace, Facebook, LinkedIn profiles, etc. to find mutual interests - school, college, sports, teams, etc. - you can talk about.
2. Be yourself: Never try to be something you are not. Dont adopt a sales-like tone. Be natural and relax.

Remember, though rapport building requires you to create a less formal atmosphere, never cross the line of professionalism - dress, speak and act professionally.

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