Yellow pages directories are one of the richest sources of free business leads on the Internet. Small businesses, sales & marketing professionals use yellow pages directories to look for new business leads and local business listings.
Typically, yellow pages directories search results run across hundreds of pages. For example, when you search for florists in San Jose, California, some 200+ search results are displayed that run across multiple pages.
To transfer the search results, you need to manually visit all the 100+ pages and copy-paste the name, address, phone number, email address, website URL, etc. into your database which is a time-consuming and tiresome task. This is where a smart lead capture software such as ListGrabber can help you capture leads from yellow pages directories to excel in a click.
All you need to do is, just select the search results page and click Grab on the ListGrabber toolbar. ListGrabber instantly transfers the leads from yellow pages directories search results to ListGrabber grid. You can verify the results, check for duplicates and then click Transfer to transfer contacts to Excel, Outlook, ACT!, GoldMine, etc. You can also directly transfer the leads from yellow pages directories to Excel in a single click.
Download the fully functional trial version of ListGrabber and try it yourself.