Thursday, July 23, 2015

5 tips to leverage Facebook timeline for your business

The new Facebook timeline is another way to engage your audience and build your brand image.

Try the following:
  1. Use your timeline to display the history of your company – when it was founded, how it evolved, significant milestones, etc.
  2. Add a profile photo to your cover photo. Use your creativity to blend those images to look great.
  3. Use photographs to tell a story – use the Highlight feature to display your album.
  4. Use appropriate apps to showcase your brand.
  5. Add call-to-action – Like this, Buy Now, etc. in the About section. You can also add your website address.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

5 tips to write an effective email copy

Writing an effective email copy is one of the most daunting tasks for marketing professionals. Here are 5 tips that will help you write one.

Try the following:
  1. Your email copy should clearly convey the message. Avoid using complex sentences and metaphors, etc.
  2. Use a conversational style and write in the second person (you, your).
  3. Ensure that the content is engaging.
  4. Try using different email templates and see what works the best.
  5. Be authentic in addressing your audience. Maintain consistency in tone and vocabulary that reflects your brand identity.

Wednesday, June 3, 2015

7 powerful tips to increase sales

If you want some quick tips to increase sales, try the following: 
  1. Offer each prospect the attention she deserves.
  2. Increase your selling time, i.e. spend more time with your prospect.
  3. Purchase tools that help you improve your productivity.
  4. Remember selling is offering a product/service to your prospect and not convincing your prospects or overcoming objections or winning businesses.
  5. Ask intelligent questions to know whether your prospect really needs your product or service.
  6. Identify prospects who will really buy your product/service and find more of them.
  7. Ensure that you reach the decision makers and stay in touch with them throughout the sales cycle.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

5 tips to generate sales leads from your YouTube videos

Hosting videos on YouTube is one of the best ways to improve your online search visibility, engage your target audience and generate sales leads. However, you cannot achieve the desired results by just uploading any video on YouTube.

Try the following:

  1. Create a video that people would love to watch & share.
  2. Add a transcript to your video. It will help search engines and users to easily find your videos.
  3. Give a keyword-rich title for your video. You can have a title up to 99 characters.
  4. Write a great description for the video. Use relevant keywords and you have 5000 characters to fill this space.
  5. Use the top targeted keywords to tag the video.

Thursday, December 4, 2014

7 ways to increase your Twitter followers

If you are using Twitter for marketing purposes, you should have a decent number of followers to make the most of it. To increase your followers count, try the following:

  1. Ensure your bio is filled in and attracts followers in your niche.
  2. Tweet regularly. The more you tweet, the more followers you get.
  3. Use hashtags to improve your search visibility.
  4. Schedule tweets to reach people in different time zones.
  5. Follow influencers and retweet their tweets.
  6. Ensure that you share content that is valuable/informative to your followers.
  7. Encourage conversations, reply/respond to questions.
Source: eGrabber Newsletters

Wednesday, December 3, 2014

6 tips to improve sales

Selling is an art. If you want to master it, try the following:
  1. You got to get sold on your product or service first before you sell it to others.
  2. Before you call, research on your prospects and their companies. Get to know what they do and their challenges & needs.
  3. Create a killer sales presentation that focuses on your prospects' problem and how your product/service addresses it.
  4. Avoid confusion during your sales pitch. Keep it simple and clear.
  5. Focus on the benefits, the value that your prospects would eventually get out of your product.
  6. When your prospects ask questions, answer them directly. If you don't know, don't guess.
Source: eGrabber Newsletter

Thursday, November 20, 2014

7 B2B lead generation tips for marketers

About 80% of the B2B marketers say that lead generation is their biggest challenge. To generate more leads, try the following:

  1. Have a leadgen strategy; define your audience, industry, company size, location, etc.  
  2. Figure out how you are different from the crowd and how it can benefit your customers.
  3. Set the criteria for a qualified lead.
  4. Generate leads using the right marketing method, one that suits your business.
  5. If the leads are not sales ready, nurture them.
  6. In addition to contact information, provide your sales team with the prospect's buying situation, challenges, decision making process, responses so far, any possible objections, etc.
  7. Measure the outcome, make changes and fine tune until you get optimal results.