Lack of complete contact information may prevent you from tapping into the vast potential of your targeted customers. For a sales and marketing professional, a complete and accurate contact list is a must-have tool to be successful in business. Generally, sales leads are captured from different sources and the lead information from those sources may not be always complete. For example – in the case of email lists, you have only the email addresses of the leads or sometimes very minimal information about the leads that prevents you from initiating a business process. How do you proceed further in a situation like this? Manually searching the Internet for lead information is a Herculean task and it also eats away your valuable time. This is where an automated lead research tool like LeadResearcher comes handy.
Using the Reverse E-mail Lookup feature in eGrabber LeadResearcher Standard, you can find the contact name, company name, company phone numbers, company website URL, contact profile links and company links based on the E-mail address.
Let us see how quickly we can find the contact details using LeadResearcher Standard.
Please follow the steps given below:
Step 1: Enter the E-mail Address in the E-mail field.
Step 2: Click the drop-down arrow on the Find button and select Reverse E-mail Lookup or press CTRL+R.
Step 3: A Settings window is displayed. In the Reverse E-mail Lookup tab, choose the search options and click OK.
Step 4: Results. The results are displayed in the Contact Grid as well as in the Results Window.
Based on the E-mail ID, eGrabber LeadResearcher Standard finds all the other details like Contact Name, Company Name, Company Web URL, Web Profiles and all the available public profile links, phone numbers and company links (displayed in the Results Window). The results in the contact grid are displayed in blue color.
The lead information can then be transferred to Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Outlook or PC Recruiter.
For more information about LeadResearcher, click